Bisexual Memes: 31 Best Bisexual Memes for the LGBTQ+ Community

Looking for a good laugh? These 31 memes are sure to have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Whether you're bisexual or just appreciate a good joke, these memes are bound to brighten your day. From relatable humor to clever puns, there's something for everyone in this collection. So sit back, relax, and get ready to LOL at these hilarious bisexual memes.

Bisexual memes have been a popular form of expression and humor within the LGBTQ+ community. These memes often capture the unique experiences, challenges, and joys of being bisexual. In this article, we'll explore 31 of the best bisexual memes that celebrate bisexuality and provide a sense of belonging and camaraderie for those who identify as bisexual.

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Navigating the Dating World

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Dating can be a challenging and often humorous experience for anyone, and bisexual individuals are no exception. Bisexual memes often humorously depict the struggles of navigating the dating world, whether it's dealing with stereotypes or the complexities of attraction to multiple genders. These memes provide a lighthearted way for bisexual individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences.

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Celebrating Diversity

One of the most powerful aspects of bisexual memes is their ability to celebrate the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. Bisexual memes often showcase the wide range of experiences and identities within the bisexual community, from those who are open about their sexuality to those who are still discovering and exploring their identity. These memes serve as a reminder that there is no one "right" way to be bisexual and that everyone's journey is unique and valid.

Challenging Stereotypes

Bisexual memes also play a crucial role in challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about bisexuality. These memes often humorously debunk myths and misconceptions, such as the idea that bisexual individuals are "confused" or "greedy." By using humor and relatability, these memes help to educate and inform others about the realities of bisexuality and break down harmful stereotypes.

Building Community

In addition to providing humor and validation, bisexual memes also serve as a way to build community and connection within the LGBTQ+ community. These memes create a sense of belonging and camaraderie for bisexual individuals, allowing them to connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges. Through humor and shared experiences, bisexual memes help to foster a sense of community and support for those who may feel isolated or misunderstood.

31 Best Bisexual Memes

1. "When someone asks if you're gay or straight and you're just like... yes."

2. "Me trying to explain my attraction to multiple genders like... it's not that complicated, Karen."

3. "When you're attracted to both the waiter and the waitress and you realize you're just a hopeless bisexual."

4. "Trying to explain to your parents that being bisexual doesn't mean you're going to cheat on everyone."

5. "When someone asks if you're into guys or girls and you're just like... yes, please."

6. "When someone says bisexuality isn't real and you're just like... you wanna bet?"

7. "Me trying to choose a dating app profile picture that represents both my gay and straight sides."

8. "When someone asks if you're bi for attention and you're just like... I wish it were that easy."

9. "Trying to explain to your friends that being bisexual doesn't mean you're always down for a threesome."

10. "When you're attracted to both Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson and you realize you just have great taste."

11. "Me trying to explain to someone that being bisexual doesn't mean I'm 50% gay and 50% straight."

12. "When someone assumes you're straight because you're in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender."

13. "Trying to explain to your gay friends that you're still valid and part of the LGBTQ+ community."

14. "When someone asks if you're bi because it's trendy and you're just like... have you met my anxiety?"

15. "Me trying to explain to my parents that bisexuality is not just a phase."

16. "When someone assumes you're gay because you're in a relationship with someone of the same gender."

17. "Trying to explain to your straight friends that bisexuality is not just a phase or a stepping stone to being gay."

18. "When someone asks if you're attracted to both genders equally and you're just like... it's more of a spectrum."

19. "Me trying to explain to someone that bisexuality is not just about physical attraction, but emotional connection too."

20. "When someone assumes you're just experimenting and you're just like... I've been bi for longer than you've been straight."

21. "Trying to explain to someone that being bisexual doesn't mean you're indecisive or unable to commit."

22. "When someone asks if you've ever been in a "real" relationship and you're just like... define "real."

23. "Me trying to explain that bisexuality is not just about having the best of both worlds, but being authentically yourself."

24. "When someone assumes you're bisexual because you can't make up your mind and you're just like... I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

25. "Trying to explain to someone that being bisexual doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to everyone."

26. "When someone asks if you're attracted to both men and women and you're just like... and everyone in between, too."

27. "Me trying to explain that bisexuality is not about being half gay and half straight, but a unique and valid identity."

28. "When someone assumes you're just experimenting and you're just like... I'm not a science project, I'm just bisexual."

29. "Trying to explain to someone that being bisexual doesn't mean you're just going through a phase or confused."

30. "When someone assumes you're only attracted to certain genders and you're just like... I contain multitudes."

31. "Me trying to explain that being bisexual is not about being "greedy" or unable to make up your mind, but about embracing the full spectrum of love and attraction."


Bisexual memes play a vital role in providing humor, validation, and connection for those in the LGBTQ+ community. Through humor and relatability, these memes celebrate the diversity of bisexuality, challenge harmful stereotypes, and build a sense of community and support. Whether it's navigating the dating world, debunking myths, or simply finding humor in everyday experiences, bisexual memes provide a lighthearted and empowering way for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges.